MUSIC: (Algaita CEO) Buzo dan fillo-Me yasa

February 05, 2019
The algaita CEO mean Buzo Dan Fillo is back with another Hit 
Jam which call (Me Yasa.) Me Yasa its a 
single off his upcoming debut album
titled “Sparks” but download and enjoy!!!

MUSIC: (Algaita CEO) Buzo dan fillo-Me yasa MUSIC: (Algaita CEO) Buzo dan fillo-Me yasa Reviewed by Unknown on February 05, 2019 Rating: 5

MUSIC: NT4 Network FuTuring Sikiri 2019 New Music (Prod Tubani MusiC)

February 05, 2019
After the short Break Nt4 Ghana 
gives to Music He now came back 
with an ironic Fire Flow title
#Network. Nt4 did this song as a 
Freestyle its goes straight to Nt4
life style and what’s people thought about his music career 
weather he will be moving Forward
or Backword E. T. C just Download
And listen.
The little freestyle Because its
contains Age Amount of massages in its. #Team_Personality #Nt4_Ghana - 
Download Music Now Don’t Forget To Hit Share To Your 

MUSIC: NT4 Network FuTuring Sikiri 2019 New Music (Prod Tubani MusiC) MUSIC: NT4 Network FuTuring Sikiri 2019 New Music (Prod Tubani MusiC) Reviewed by Unknown on February 05, 2019 Rating: 5


February 05, 2019
Professor Mahmood Yakubu of INEC hints that the commission may be forced to shift the dates for the 2019 general elections

- Yakubu laments the alleged threats to violence by politicians ahead of the exercise as he cites a part of the electoral act that empowers it
- He also says INEC will partner with security agencies to ensure the exercise is successful across the country
The chairman of the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC), Mahmood Yakubu, has reportedly hinted that the body might be forced to suspend the 2019 general election following threats to violence by some politicians in the country.
Leadership reports that Yakubu, a professor, stated this in reaction to some disturbing videos of political campaigns in the social media in which some politicians are seen threatening to shed blood.

Yakubu who reportedly spoke when he received briefing from the Resident Electoral Commissioner (REC) for Osun state on the progress and the preparedness of the forthcoming governorship election, noted that recent developments and signs in the country’s political landscape calls for greater vigilance.
He asked politicians to conduct themselves in a peaceful manner.
The INEC chairman further observed that election can only hold when there is a secured environment.
“In fact, the electoral act, especially section 26, empowers the commission to suspend election on account of violence or threat of violence.
“So, we will continue to partner and continue to work with the security agencies as we approach the 2019 general election.
“Our meetings are going to become more frequent and regular,” he said while explaining that the synergy between the electoral body and security agencies is crucial for the 2019 polls in order to secure the environment for the conduct of the elections.
“Elections cannot be conducted in an atmosphere of rancor. So, we share this great responsibility with the security agencies. Good election is good for this country. Bad election is a recipe for disaster; we don’t pray for it.
“So, let us continue to work together to anticipate the challenges and address the challenges because we have the capacity to do so.
“The nation expects we should do so and once we do so, there will be fewer problems during elections.

“We see statements by some of the political actors captured and circulated nationwide via social media platforms. It is something that the security agencies need to put an eye on because if we allow this to pester, it will encourage those who may wish to do some destructive actions or feel encouraged to do so.
“But if we take immediate action, I think we may be able to stop them and further secure the environment for us to conduct free, fair and credible elections,” he added.
earlier reported that a faction of the All Progressives Congress (APC) led by Senator Magnus Abe in Rivers state on Monday, September 10, officially adopted direct primaries for electing candidates as against the indirect mode adopted by the Ojukaye Flag-Amachree-led faction in the state.
INEC THREATENED TO SHIFT 2019 ELECTION INEC THREATENED TO SHIFT 2019 ELECTION Reviewed by Unknown on February 05, 2019 Rating: 5

Ko kun san yadda Atiku ya shiga Amurka

February 05, 2019

Dan takarar shugabancin Najeriya karkashin inuwar jam’iyyar adawa ta PDP ya samu damar ziyartar Amurka ne makwanni biyu da suka shude bayan mahukuntan kasar sun dage masa haramcin ba shi Bisa na wucen-gadi kamar yadda Kamfanin Dillanci Labarai na Reuters ya rawaito.Amurka ta soke bai wa Atiku Bisa ne saboda zargin sa da aikata laifin cin hanci da rashawa, yayin da majiyoyi ke cewa, an ba shi damar shiga kasar ne bayan wasu ‘yan siyasa sun nema masa alfarma daga wurin ‘yan Majalisar Dokokin Kasar. ‘Yan neman alfarmar sun fake da cewa, bai kamata gwamnatin Amurka ta yi watsi da babban dan takarar da zai fafata da shugaba Muhammadu Buhari ba a zaben watan Fabairu na 2019. Wata majiya ta shaida wa Reuters cewa, Amurka ta bude wa Atiku kofa ne saboda gudun tabarbarewar alaka da shi da zaran ya samu nasara a zaben shugabancin Najeriya wadda ta fi yawan al’umma a nahiyar Afrika. Rotanni na cewa, Atiku ne ya dauki nauyin ‘yan siyasar da suka nema masa alfarma a wurin ‘Yan Majalisar Amurka har suka shawo kan Ma’aikatar Harkokin Wajen Kasar game da ziyarar tasa. Batun hana Atiku Bisa ya samo asali ne bayan zargin sa da karbar na goro daga wani wakilin Amurka, William Jefferson da zummar fadada harkar fasaha a Najeriya. Tun a shekarar a shekarar 2009 aka tuhumi Jefferson a Amurka tare da yanke masa hukuncin daurin shekaru 13 a gidan yari. Koda yake daga bisani an rage masa tsawon shekarun zama gidan yarin. Kazalika Amurka ta zargi cewa, daya daga cikin matan Atiku hudu, ta taimaka masa wajen tura sama da Dala miliyan 40 zuwa Amurka, (kudaden da aka diga ayar tambaya akan su) kuma ana zargin cewa, akalla Dala 1.7 daga cikinsu, ya karba ne a matsayin cin hanci daga wani kamfanin Siemens na Jamus.
Ko kun san yadda Atiku ya shiga Amurka Ko kun san yadda Atiku ya shiga Amurka Reviewed by Unknown on February 05, 2019 Rating: 5

How To Root Any Android Device That Runs On Version 4.2.2 Jelly Beans

December 07, 2018

Root plays a better role on an Android device, as soon as it has done. Root allows several softwares to work without any problem, on Android device. It keeps your Android device protection from viruses, and stubborn files.

Why I Should Root My Android Device?

Sometimes, you need to install an application, or a game, on your Android device, and it would deny. Due to the unrooted, and the older version works on your Android device, the phone denies to take the root. Through this article, your problems will be solved!!! Just read and follow the steps, from the beginning to ending, and do it carefully.

Must I Root My Android Device?

It is not obligation, to root your Android device. Because your phone will work fine without rooting, but there are some applications, and games, that require permission from the root. So, if you don't root it, they will not work on your phone.


Follow the steps entire.

Download KingRoot.

Download Framaroot.

Download Root Checker.

FIRST STEP: Download And Install The Applications

Download, all the listed applications, on the link given above, in the requirements section, and install them.

SECOND STEP: Open The KingRoot And Root Your Android Device

After, you have installed the applications. Just open the KingRoot, it will display a black page, with the green rounded button, and white lock over it.

Now, tap on that lock, which is over the green circle. Then it will start rooting.

After, you have done, with the above steps. It will make marking, on the green button, that means your phone has now ROOTED!!!.

I had tested this tutorial, on my phone, and it was rooted successfully. So, this guide is simplest to root your Android device. This KingRoot comes with chinese language, and has size of 1.38MB only. It works fine on any device.

THIRD STEP: Verify The Root

Just, open the KingRoot, and test is your phone rooted, or no?

FOURTH STEP: Re-root Your Device

If you had tried to root your phone before, and it was denied to take the root. Just open the Framaroot, when you open it, at the top you will see, Install SuperSU, in the drop down menu. Now you need to tap it.

After, you tapped it, it will display the list of the drop down menu. Just tap Unroot in the list.

Now, you need to scroll down and tap Barahir.

It will show you that, Unroot done!. That means you have cleared the rooting that you had attempted before, and allows you to re-root.

Now, you have unrooted your phone. Just go back to KingRoot, and re-root it, by following the above steps. It should take the root, simple and easy.

So, that's it Guys!!! We have now rooted our device, and shown another way of rooting. You can drop your comment(s), in order, to ask something, that you don't understand.Thanks For Visiting.
How To Root Any Android Device That Runs On Version 4.2.2 Jelly Beans How To Root Any Android Device That Runs On Version 4.2.2 Jelly Beans Reviewed by Unknown on December 07, 2018 Rating: 5

How To Move Installed Application From Playstore To SdCard On Android Device

December 07, 2018
Playstore, also known as Google play, is the biggest place, where you can get any kind of applications, games, launchers, wallpapers, and widgets, you want, that you can download, and install on your Android device. Once, you have installed the application, from Playstore, you may notice, that the installed application is only placed on the ROM, not on your external storage. Sometime, you would need to store the application, in your external storage, but you don't know, how to do. So in this tutorial, we are going to learn, how to do it, simple, and easy.


Rooted device.

Download MoveToSd.apk.

Follow the steps below.

Installed any application on your device.

In this tutorial, i'm going to move, or backup, the application called English, it's a dictionary.

FIRST STEP: Download And Install The MoveToSd.apk

First of all, download, and install. the application named as MoveToSd.apk, on your device, from the given link above. This application requires root permission, whenever you open it, or whenever you're using with it. So, if it requires root permission, just allow it, by tapping grant it, or Authorize.

SECOND STEP: Open It And Backup The Installed Application

Now, since we have installed the application, the next thing, we are going to do, is to backup the installed application to our SDCARD. To do that, just open the MoveToSd.apk, and tap the arrow, which is located at the top bar, by the left side.

It will bring the options, shortly by the left side. Just, in the list click on User app.

And it will then, take you to the place, where you can see, all the installed applications, and games are located, on your device. Any application, or game, has check box, by the next to it. Just check anyone, that you need to backup, or move to external storage, then scroll down, and tap Backup.

After, you finished with the above process, it will start backing up the application, just wait it, as shorter as 10seconds.

The application, has now backed up, or has moved off, to your SDCARD.

Now, we have through, with any process, the only thing remains, is to access, that backed up, application. To do that, go to your SDCARD, and look for folder, named as jumobile open it, and re-open the backup folder, you can see it there.

When, you are on the page, that you can check, or mark, on the application, you needed to backup, i recommend you to backup them one-by-one, or one after the other. because, I had tried to backup, atleast three applications, in one time, but it denied. Through this application you can back up, any application, that you had uninstalled, mistakenly.

So that's it!!! Here is the end, of this tutorial, I wish my tutorials, will be helped you. Please share it to your friends, and partners. You can feel free to drop, your comment to ask something, or correct me, what i made incorrect. Thanks For Visiting. See you next time.
How To Move Installed Application From Playstore To SdCard On Android Device How To Move Installed Application From Playstore To SdCard On Android Device Reviewed by Unknown on December 07, 2018 Rating: 5

How To Flash Any Android Into CWM Recovery Using Flashify

December 07, 2018

What Does Recovery Mean?
From the word "Recover", you can understand what recovery means. "Recovery" means to take back of something, when it's missed, or lost. So, we can say that recovery means restore something, that you missed.

CWM stands for ClockWordMod, is the brand of developer, who built the CWM recovery, which is used in almost any Android device, in order to recover or flash it. There are many recoveries, but the famous are TWRP Recovery, CWM Recovery, MI Recovery, and Philz Recovery, and so on.

Among these four recoveries; TWRP Recovery, and CWM Recovery, are most used, and it's so simple and easy to installed them on your any device.

Recovery mode, uses to change ROMs on any Android device, without using Computer, or PC, you can do it very easy, just following the guiding that is shown to you.

Recovery mode, allows you to backup your device's data entire by backing up all the files, and stores them on your sdcard.

Recovery mode allows you to install any zip file on your device, simple and easy without using computer, and PC.

Through, recovery mode, you can wipe and erase all datas or files that are on your phone storage.


Follow the step entire.

Rooted device.

Download recovery.img for your device.

Install Flashify.

FIRST STEP: Download "recovery.img" For Your Device Only

Download "recovery.img" for your device, in my case i'm using Tecno H5. So in order to download "recovery.img" for your device, just go to and search for "Recovery.img for your device". For example, if are using Tecno M3, just search "Recovery.img for Tecno M3", and download it. When you downloaded it, just rename it to "recovery.img".

NOTE: You should only download the "recovery.img" for your device, don't use other device's recovery in your device.

SECOND STEP: Applying The Recovery Mode

Open Flashify, and tap ACCEPT, when it shows Disclaimer.

Then, it will request root permission. Just allow it by tapping Authorize, or Grant it for SuperSU users.

Now, wait it will start loading. wait until it finishes the process.

When it finishes, just tap Recovery image, in the list that is provided

It will show the types of recovery. But only two types recovery it shows always, Just tap Choose a file.

It will prompt with the file explores, that you had installed on your device. Just tap Flashify File Explore, and hit Use once.

Now, scroll down, and tap the file, that you had stored, in the root of your sdcard.

Then, it will ask for Flash recovery?. Just tap YUP!.

It will start flashing, just wait it to complete the flashing process.

When, it finishes the flashing. It will ask to reboot the device, just tap REBOOT NOW.

So, that's it!!! We have now applied the CWM Recovery, in our devices. You can now change ROMs, on your device without using computer. You can wipe and erase all data of your device, then you can reset your device.

This article take it as part one, on the guidings on how to change ROMs on your Android, by yourself without PC. Thanks For Visiting.
How To Flash Any Android Into CWM Recovery Using Flashify How To Flash Any Android Into CWM Recovery Using Flashify Reviewed by Unknown on December 07, 2018 Rating: 5

Kalli wasu zafafan hotunan Maryam Yahaya

October 15, 2018

Jarumar fina-finan Hausa, Maryam Yahaya kenan a wadannan kayatattun hotunan nata da ta saka a dandalinta na sada zumunta kuma suka dau hankula.
Kalli wasu zafafan hotunan Maryam Yahaya Kalli wasu zafafan hotunan Maryam Yahaya Reviewed by Unknown on October 15, 2018 Rating: 5
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